Add the following code to your Apps Script Editor first and then use the function.
/** * Get Distance between 2 different addresses. * @param start_address Address as string Ex. "300 N LaSalles St, Chicago, IL" * @param end_address Address as string Ex. "900 N LaSalles St, Chicago, IL" * @param return_type Return type as string Ex. "miles" or "kilometers" or "minutes" or "hours" * @customfunction */ function GOOGLEMAPS(start_address,end_address,return_type) { // // Nov 2017 // improvements needed var mapObj = Maps.newDirectionFinder(); mapObj.setOrigin(start_address); mapObj.setDestination(end_address); var directions = mapObj.getDirections(); var getTheLeg = directions["routes"][0]["legs"][0]; var meters = getTheLeg["distance"]["value"]; switch(return_type){ case "miles": return meters * 0.000621371; break; case "minutes": // get duration in seconds var duration = getTheLeg["duration"]["value"]; //convert to minutes and return return duration / 60; break; case "hours": // get duration in seconds var duration = getTheLeg["duration"]["value"]; //convert to hours and return return duration / 60 / 60; break; case "kilometers": return meters / 1000; break; default: return "Error: Wrong Unit Type"; } }