Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

$95/hr - 3 hour minimum
Add More Students:
$25/hr per each Additional Student
  • Not Just Teachers

    Tutoring by a Professional with real-life day to day advanced PowerPoint experience. Our tutors are not just teachers by the book, they all build complicated PowerPoint presentations in real life applications. We try to concentrate our focus on teaching the features with some shortcuts, logical organization and workarounds that you won’t find in the book.

  • OnSite Training

    At your office, home, conference room.. you name it. Training at your location, at your convenience.

  • Not Enough?

    All tutoring sessions can and will be catered to your particular needs. Tell us what specifically you want to learn and you will learn just that or we will use our redesigned programs to provide you with best knowledge base possible.

Request a Session


(312) 818-5515

How it Works?


Request a tutoring session.

Get Confirmation

Our team member will review your request and get back to you shortly to finalize your appointment. If we are booked for the date/time you specified in your request we'll work with you to find a different date and time that suits you.


That's it! Enjoy your session at your location!